The Bag Which the Crocodile Possessesの和訳
My bag is sold with at a good price?
Okay, I will give you mine to go sell it!
It’s truly mine!
(クロコダイル: 俺のかばんが高値で売れるって?よし、俺のかばんをやるから売ってきてくれ。まじで俺のだ!)
No…It’s not a genuine leather.
(ポールさん: いや・・・それは本革じゃないよ)
The Bag Which the Crocodile Possessesの基本解説
My bag is sold with at a good price?
Okay, I will give you mine to go sell it!
It’s truly mine!
- “be動詞+過去分詞”は「受動態」です。ですので、かばんが”売られる”から”売れる”なんですね。
- 単に”OK”と書くより、”Okay”の方をよく見る気がします。
- “truly”は「本当に」です。trueの副詞ですね。
No…It’s not a genuine leather.
- 「本物」はいろんな言い方や表現がありますね。”genuine”や”authentic”などなど。逆に偽物はどんな表現があるのでしょうか。調べてみたらたくさんありますよ!
3. Column-Possessとhaveの違い
My bag is sold at a good price? Okay, I will give you mine to go sell it! Really, it’s mine.
No … It’s not genuine leather.
English Notes:
Synonyms are really important in the English language and can help strengthen your vocabulary. The reason why possesses is used in this comic instead of a word like has is because ‘possesses’ let’s the reader know that we are talking about things, instead of the person. The word ‘has’ could also be used, but it is not as specific, and could lead to confusion.
For example:“You have eyes, ears, and skin.”
“You have leather, hair, and nails.”
We understand that it’s natural to have eyes, ears, and skin, but when we pair leather with the other body parts like the crocodile might have done, we might get confused as to which is a body part and which is a thing.
You possess leather, fur, and hide.
In the above sentence, it’s easier to understand that each of the items are possessions that a person has, instead of the things being attached.
The Bag Which the Crocodile Possessesのちょっと深く
The Bag Which the Crocodile Possessesのまとめ
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Zoo director/owner