Trend Words in Japan

Trend Words in Japan

trend words in japan

Mr Owl: Hi there, Hello everybody~. Welcome to ” Trend Words in Japan “!. Here is a very helpful place for Japanese learners all over the world. It is said that there are over 4,000,000 foreigners who are studying Japanese language according to the survey in 2012. Wow that’s awesome… You can learn Japanese trends words in this section. This zoo has visitors all over the world, and my hobby is to listen to Japanese chatting. I pick out current trend words, and I will show you the meaning or background situation here. Because when I went to Toronto with Taka, who is the zoo director here, I could’t enjoy TV show or pop culture at first because I was not familiar with them. I learned how important to know what is happening in the countries before you go there to enjoy it soon. Thank you for visiting here and I hope you get information which you cannot even from your good textbook.

Best regards,
Mr Owl