Hi I’m Taka, from Zootoeigo.com. Japanese Anime and Manga are popular globally. I will show you how I explain Anime and Manga in English. Plus, I would like to talk about them from my point of view. Let’s enjoy English!
English | Japanese | |
Title/タイトル | DRAGON BALL | ドラゴンボール |
RELEASE/リリース | 1984 – 1989 | 1984年-1989年 |
OCCUPATION/仕事 | Unemployed | ? |
The main character is Son Goku, he is very strong in spite of the fact that he is a kid. That is because he is not from earth, but from the planet Vegeta! And Since he’s from a different planet, he is not human but a Saiyan. Saiyans are aggressive warriors, that turns into a great ape when he sees the moon. He starts the adventure due to a dragon ball that he kept as memory of his grandpa.And one day he stumbles across a girl named Bulma. She recognizes the dragon ball, and she is looking for the other 6! So they head off on a journey!In my opinion, when it comes to talking about his personality, people would say he is empty minded; but I think about his mentality: ”No problem, we can resuscitate the dead with the Dragon ball”, reflects his rationality. This idea is the secret which leads to the reason why he can purely seek strength, I think.
ドラゴンボールの世界観/THE SETTING
The setting is Dragon World, whose cities give off the impression of being a near-futuristic version of Earth. The story is an adventure to collect the 7 Dragon Balls, which can grant wishes when gathered together. Aside from Goku, evil organizations bent on world conquest also have their sights on collecting the Dragon Balls, and thus Goku must compete with them during his search. In the midst of it all, Goku makes many friends along the way, and engages in many magnificent battles with formidable enemies on a universal scale.
Here are the 3 useful sentences when you describe DRAGON BALL.
Mr.Toriyama slightly uses screentone on his manga, which allows him to conserve his time.
There is a page which has the some same images copied from other pages on Dragon ball, which allows him to conserve his time.
In order to conserve his time drawing backgrounds, Mr. Toriyama blows away the city, or lets his characters move to the wilderness to battle, Genius!
He is a genius, isn’t he? I guess he concentrated more on the story by saving time in drawing the background. Why don’t you talk about Dragon Ball with this simple sentence! Manga and anime are good tools to make friends, aren’t they? Whenever I find people who have the same hobbies, I am always excited and I can feel these contents do not have any borders.
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【漫画】ドラゴンボールを英語で説明! What is Dragon Ball like? まとめ/ WRAP UP
Dragon Ball is so popular all over the world. The TV show has high ratings and an American friend of mine is crazy about Dragon Ball. We talk a lot about it. Well … I have all of the volumes of Dragon Ball, but there are 42 books in total. It is taking up so much space on my bookshelf, but I can’t sell them, haha.
I think the manga is common knowledge between anime otaku because of its popularity. It is like talking about the weather as an icebreaker for general people. Even if they are not interested in anime or otaku, you don’t need to take any risk if you choose Dragon Ball as the topic. Don’t worry, your power level is still 530,000. It can be like a tester to see the other person’s reaction. And then, you can decide if you keep talking about the anime topic deeper, or change the topic. If they insult you, you could say,”you are the first one who made me mad, stupid”.
By the way, I am sure I am not the only one who tried kamehameha when I was younger. Right? k, yeah, I’m correct. What? You could? How could you do it??? Leave a comment about that!
Speaking of Dragon ball, the characters’ names are so interesting. They are based on something specific. We can figure them out quickly. But There are some characters which I couldn’t figure out. One is Spopovich. Do you have any idea on it? Please kindly let me know! Seriously!
Sorry for the redundant sentences, so let me wrap up. What I wanted to say is I like the manga because I thought like ” oh? BLUMA, one of the characters of Dragon Ball, has big boobs hehe.” But only in the first part.
Through this website zootoeigo.com, I would like to propose the hints and tips to have an enjoyable conversation. I want you to make friends all over the world. Why don’t you try to leave a comment in English here if you like Dragon Ball:)
Thank you!
【新品】ドラゴンボール[新書版/新装版](1-42巻 全巻) 全巻セット
Vocabulary | Memo |
戦闘力/Sentoryoku | Power Level |
元気玉/Genki dama | Spirit Bomb |
17号/Juunana gou | Android 17 |
気円斬/Kienzan | Destructo Disc |
亀仙人/kame sennin | Master Roshi |
筋斗雲/Kintoun | Flying Nimbus |
サイヤ人/saiya jin | saiyan |
大猿/oozaru | Great ape |
惑星ベジータ/wakusei beji-ta | Planet vegeta |

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